MySoccerStats is a new and unique website which focuses on the Actions (Shots, Goals, Corners, etc.) of English Football Premiership matches, and analyses them to an unprecedented level of detail and sophistication.  A unique feature is the calculation of a Success Index. Actions are classified as Positive (POS+) or Negative (NEG-) depending on their outcomes , and then  then the percentage of Positive ones over their Total is calculated.  This index, calculated for both Teams and the Top 10/20 players, provides a better way to judge players/teams performance than traditional stats. 

MySoccerStats simply provides the most comprehensive and interesting stats on the Premiership anywhere on the web.

You may like to check out also the complete Action stats and analysis of past years: 2008-09 and 2009-10. In our first year, 2008-2009 , modern graphic technique are used to make the results easy to read and attractive to view.  Stats tables are rendered as heat maps to highlight high and low values. Cluster Analysis is used to group Teams/Players that have similar playing profile. Charts and graphic trees are used throughout to make the results easy to understand.

There is more to come. Stats summaries, charts and graphs, analysis, comments, and interesting facts, are all features that we will add in due course.   So, please bookmark this page, and keep coming back. Whether you are a football fan or a coach wanting to know more about your team or rivals you won't be disappointed.

PS The raw data for our stats are taken from reliable public sources - their accuracy is taken for granted.  What we don’t take for granted is the accuracy of our results. While we make every effort to avoid errors, we are aware that, given the amount of processing of the raw data, these are unavoidable. However, we do check our stats with those published  by official bodies, and the few errors we discover are uniformly less than 5% and hence not statistically significant.

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MySoccerStats - Football Analysis